Beginner Spinning Wheel Workshop - June 28th
Beginner Spinning Wheel Workshop - June 28th
Beginner Spinning Wheel Workshop - June 28th 10:30 - 4:30
Instructor: Sylvia Smith
People who are passionate about either yarn or their own fiber animals often feel the pull to start making their own yarns. Spinning wheels are an elegant and versatile tool for this purpose. Regardless of the wheel’s size or appearance, its purpose is to add twist to fiber to make it into yarn. Watching a spinner turn a handful of fluff into a strong yarn is like watching a magical transformation, and it’s very alluring to want to learn this art.
Participants in this class will learn the basics of spinning yarns on their own spinning wheels. We will start with a brief discussion of wool fiber characteristics and practice drafting. We will then move into learning about spinning wheel mechanics. We’ll combine the two skills of drafting and managing the movements of the spinning wheel to make some singles yarns. We will end the class by creating some beautiful plied yarns, and discuss yarn-finishing techniques.
Student-provided materials:
A mechanically sound spinning wheel in good working order Orifice hook Two or three empty bobbins for their wheel A lazy kate (can be made with knitting needles run through a shoe box) NOTE: Participants of this class are STRONGLY encouraged to practice treadling their spinning wheels at varying speeds, especially slowly, before the class. They are also encouraged to practice starting their treadling, stopping, and then starting again. Do this going in both directions. Practicing this before class will allow new spinners to learn fiber drafting techniques better.
1 hour lunch break - bring bag lunch
Spinning Fiber provided.
****If you need to borrow a wheel, Fiber has one available.