Project Ideas For Veriegated Yarn
Project Ideas for Variegated Yarn
Whenever I travel, I stop in and visit the local knit shop and usually walk away with one skein of special yarn to help me remember my trip. Often, it’s a variegated yarn dyed by a local dyer that I couldn’t leave without. We all love those beautiful variegated yarns with those jewel tones and beautiful colors that play so well together in the skein.
Showcasing your yarn with the perfect project can pose a problem for some. Variegated yarn can be tricky, it can pool or it gets muddy and the results aren’t what we expected. Below I put together a few projects for you to consider, these patterns will showcase your yarn beautifully. Whenever you can break up those busy yarn colors with a solid contrasting color you will be happy with the results.
The Prickly Fingerless mitts
The Glass Houses Shawl
Field of Wildflowers Hat
Of course, you can use a variegated yarn in a colorwork sweater as your contrast color. A couple things to consider; the colorwork design needs to be in a larger bolder motif and you will want to make sure your main color is a very strong contrast as your design may disappear in some areas almost giving it a static look.
Give it a try and get ready to start planning for your next project and use that variegated yarn you love.
Sandi Avila
Instructor @ Fiber, llc.