Fiber Prep Basics - May 3rd 2-5 pm — Fiber Yarns

Fiber Prep Basics - May 3rd 2-5 pm

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Fiber Prep Basics - May 3rd 2-5 pm


Instructor: Sylvia Smith

Fiber Prep Basics: You’re an aspiring handspinner or felter, and you want to learn how to

prepare your own fiber. In this interactive class, I will demonstrate and discuss all of the

steps to prepare raw wool for either spinning or felting. These steps will include scouring,

carding on hand carders and a drum carder, and combing. Class participants will have

opportunities to compare fibers and preparation techniques, as well as try the tools

themselves. Participants will receive a class outline that includes definitions and descriptions of techniques for future reference.

May 3rd 2- 5 pm 3hrs.

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Thank You for signing up to take a class at Fiber. Please take a moment to look over our Student Cancellation Policy so you are informed should you need to cancel for any reason.

Fiber LLC Student Policy:

If you should need to cancel your spot in a class you have signed up for whether due to illness or a family emergency, please let us know as soon as possible. If your cancellation occurs within 7 days of the class, you will get a full refund “IF” someone fills your spot. If your cancellations occurs within 24 hours of a class, we are sorry there are no refunds, no exceptions. 

I hope you understand why we need to have this policy as making financial transactions, planning, scheduling, marketing costs time & money and each spot needs to be filled for Fiber to be a success. 

I hope you enjoy your class and the creative learning process. It is my pleasure to facilitate education and creativity in our community. 

In Creativity, 

Cindy Ruprecht ,Owner Fiber LLC