Fixing Mistakes - April 5th — Fiber Yarns

Fixing Mistakes - April 5th

Fixing Mistakes - April 5th


Instructor: Sandi Avila

Saturday April 5th 2-4 pm

What if you could fix your mistakes in your knitting without taking it all out? Become a more confident knitter and give yourself the ability to recognize and fix those common mistakes. In this two-hour class you will learn how to fix mistakes on both garter and stockinette swatches.

Homework: Casting on 30 stitches create two different swatches using US 8 needles(s). One swatch will need to be in a stockinette and the other in a garter. Both will need to have live stitches so putting one swatch on hold on waste yarn is recommended. Each swatch should be at least 3” in length.

Skill level: Advance beginner/knowledge of Knit/purl stitches

Saturday April 5th 2-4 pm

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